MiSmile Stories: 3 Invisalign Testimonials
When you’re deciding how you want to straighten your teeth, you know how important it is to research your orthodontic treatment options. As you dig for information, one key step is to make sure you consider testimonials, patient journeys, and reviews.
In this article, we’ll cover 3 Invisalign testimonials to help aid you in your decision making. From correcting severe malocclusions to removing embarrassment, Invisalign helps patients around the world find confidence in a straighter smile.
No matter your unique situation, these 3 smile stories show why clear aligners are a discreet and versatile option for giving you the smile of your dreams.
Invisalign Testimonials: Selina Hearn’s Story
Selina suffered from more than a few crooked teeth. When you watch her testimonial, you’ll discover how serious her dental problems were. Selina’s severe orthodontic case caused her to avoid interacting with others.
When Selina’s dentist recommended pulling some of her teeth and shifting others, Selina began a journey that led her to Invisalign.
Click here to hear Selina tell how Invisalign helped her be confident and enjoy life.
Perhaps you’re like Selina and struggle with embarrassment over your smile.
You’re not alone. According to a study published in the Angle Orthodontist journal, researchers found that malocclusions negatively impact oral health-related quality of life, especially for psychological discomfort and psychological disability.
In other words, if you have a bad bite, you may struggle mentally. To see if your malocclusion is affecting your daily life, ask yourself…
- Do I smile with ease, or do I try to hide my smile?
- Do I feel nervous when I am conversing with others?
- When eating with others, do I feel embarrassed about my crooked teeth?
Invisalign Testimonials: Matthew Moxham’s Story
For Matthew, a childhood injury resulted in his teeth becoming misaligned. As an adult, Matthew was self-conscious about his smile but didn’t want to undergo the ordeal of metal braces. Finally, he found a solution that allowed him to avoid the metal “train track” of traditional braces.
Watch Matthew explain how Invisalign straightened his teeth inconspicuously.
If this sounds like your experience, it’s time to ask yourself…
- What is keeping me from straightening my teeth?
- Am I embarrassed at the thought of wearing metal braces?
- Would I straighten my teeth if I could do so discreetly?
Invisalign Testimonials: Mr. and Mrs. Jones’s Story
For a couple about to get married, Invisalign was the perfect option for straightening their teeth. Mr. and Mrs. Jones didn’t have severe malocclusions, but they decided Invisalign would help them improve how they looked on their big day.
Click here to see how Invisalign helped this couple plan for their wedding.
As these Invisalign testimonials demonstrate, Invisalign can give you that elusive, straight smile. In addition to correcting your bite, you’ll also enjoy some other benefits of straightening your teeth with clear aligners.
With Invisalign’s innovative technology, you will…
- Clean your teeth with little inconvenience. Invisalign allows you to remove your aligners so you can floss and brush your teeth without maneuvering around metal braces.
- Enjoy an unrestricted diet. The ability to remove your clear aligners allows you to keep eating as you please.
- Keep your orthodontic treatment to yourself. With Invisalign, you’ll avoid the self-consciousness that comes from others noticing your orthodontic treatment.
Enjoy the advantages of straightening your teeth with Invisalign. Contact your local MiSmile Invisalign provider, and start your own smile story.